
We are proud to announce that our trainee, Marion DROZ, brilliantly passed her bar exam. We look forward to welcoming her back at the firm as an associate.
July 2024
Our partner Nathalie Subilia was once again invited by the Geneva Bar Association to present recent development in Labour Law at the 37th Law Marathon.
May 2024
Our partner Guillaume Etier presented recent developments in extra-contractual liability and liability based on trust, during the 37th Law Marathon organised by the Geneva Bar Association.
May 2024
We are proud to announce that Sonja Maeder Morvant, partner, has been recognised once again by Chambers Europe 2024 amongst the best lawyers in the field of White Collar Crime.
March 2024
We are delighted to welcome Chelsea Rolle to the firm as a trainee lawyer. Prior to joining the firm, Chelsea worked as a trainee clerk at the Fribourg Compulsory Measures Court.
March 2024
Our partner, Sonja Maeder Morvant, moderated a panel on the challenges and opportunities of working as an in-house lawyer at the Women Lawyers' Day event.
February 2024
We are proud of our associate Aline Nelis, who has just successfully completed a peace-building mission in Kosovo with the 48th SWISSCOY contingent. After several months' preparation for military service, Aline Nelis was deployed for half a year to Kosovo, where she served as an observer in a KFOR Liaison and Monitoring Team. We look forward to welcoming Aline Nelis back to our Firm as of 1 November 2023.
November 2023
We are very pleased to welcome Barnabas Denes to the firm as a senior associate. Barnabas Denes has extensive experience in criminal law, civil and medical liability and contract law.
September 2023
We are delighted to welcome Raphaël Faure to our firm as an associate. Raphaël Faure recently obtained his bar exam Summa cum laude.
July 2023
On 1 July  2023, the new Swiss Code of Professional Conduct came into force, to the drafting of which our partner Christian Reiser made a major contribution as a member of the expert committee set up by the Swiss Bar Association. The Code applies to all lawyers practicing in Switzerland.
July 2023
Congratulations to Nathalie Subilia for her appointement as the representative of the International Association of Lawyers’ before the International Labour Organisation.
Congratulations to Sonja Maeder Morvant for her nomination as an anti-money laundering auditor for the Swiss Bar Association’s  Self-Regulatory Organisation. In this capacity she will conduct anti-money laundering audits and investigations .
June 2023
Our partner, Nathalie Subilia, spoke at the Geneva Bar Association’s yearly Law Marathon on recent development in Labour Law.
May 2023
Sonja Maeder Morvant co-chaired this years IBA Transnational crime conference in Boston and spoke about building and managing a financial crime practice.
May 2023
Nathalie Subilia hosted the First Tuesday conference organised by the Geneva Bar Association on case law in employment law.
April 2023
Congratulations to our Partner Alexandre de Senarclens for his re-election to the Grand Council of the Canton of Geneva. He will be deputy for the PLR group for the 2023 - 2028 legislature.
April 2023
Sonja Maeder Morvant, partner, has been recognised again  by Chambers Europe 2023 amongst the best lawyers in the field of White Collar Crime.
March 2023
We are proud to announce that Sonja Maeder Morvant is once again recognised as a “Thought leader” in business crime and investigations by Who’s Who Legal. This publication identifies leading practitioners in these fields.
December 2022
We are pleased and proud to announce that our trainee, Aline Nelis, has passed her bar exam with flying colours. We are already looking forward to welcoming her again in a few months.
December 2022
After extensive audits of its organisation, our Firm has been awarded the Cyber-safe label by the Swiss Association for the Cyber Security ( The Cyber-safe label rewards organisations that have implemented responsible cyber security management. This result recognises the efforts made by our Firm to offer its clients and employees a more secure and resilient structure.
November 2022
We are pleased to announce the publication by Helbing & Liechtenhahn of a reference book on the practice of the Bar, namely the Commentary of the Lawyers' Act (LLCA), to which our partner, Christian Reiser, contributed as scientific editor alongside Me Michel Valticos and Professors Benoît Chappuis and François Bohnet, as well as author or co-author of the analysis of several provisions.
October 2022
Our partner, Guillaume Etier, was invited as a speaker at the Law Triathlon organised by the Swiss Bar Association. He spoke about recent developments in tort law.
September 2022
Sonja Maeder Morvant spoke on the legal issues of cryptocurrencies at a conference organised by the European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers in London.
June 2022
Alexandre de Senarclens and Aline Nelis gave a seminar on the liability of fiduciaries in carrying out their mandate as part of the continuous training courses organised by the Geneva section of Fiduciaire Suisse.
May 2022
Sonja Maeder Morvant spoke on Swiss sanctions in the framework of a conference organised in Frankfurt by the American Bar Association and the German association of lawyers in white collar defence (Wistev), on sanctions imposed on Russia.
May 2022
Guillaume Etier spoke at the Geneva Bar Association's yearly Law Marathon on recent developments Tort Law.
May 2022
Our partner, Sonja Maeder Morvant, chaired a panel at the IBA Annual Transnational Crime Conference in London on cyber attacks and ransomware.
May 2022
Our partner, Christian Reiser, spoke on the draft of the new Swiss code of lawyers ethics at the Conference of Bar Presidents and Secretaries.
Guillaume Etier gave a course on civil liability in the medical field, organised by the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva and given to Master students.
March 2022
Sonja Maeder Morvant speaks on the issue of breaches of legal priviledge caused by the authorities' investigations in a seminar organised by the UIA Union Internationale des Avocats.
February 2022
Nathalie Subilia and Federica Panetti examine the consequences of Covid-19 in labour law in the Revue de l'Avocat.  
December 2021
We congratulate our associate, Charlotte Séchaud, who obtained a Master's degree in Real Estate from the Institut d'Etudes Immobilières (IEI), after a two years course. She thus completes the competences of REISER Avocats in this field.
December 2021
Interview with Nathalie Subilia, Partner, in Bilan magazine on the issue of the rights and duties of employers and employees in the context of Covid-19 vaccination "L'employeur ne peut pas obliger ses employés à être vaccinés".
August 2021
We are very pleased that Sonja Maeder Morvant, partner, has been recognised  by Chambers Europe 2021 in the field of White Collar Crime. What they say: Interviewees praise both her expertise and approach to matters, describing her as "thoughtful and creative" with "outstanding client-handling skills."
June 2021
We are pleased to welcome Aline Nelis to our firm as a trainee lawyer. Prior to joining us, Aline Nelis completed a 6-month internship at the International Criminal Court.
May 2021
Nathalie Subilia spoke on the Swiss RTS radio  programme "On en parle" about the recording of working time Inscrire son temps de travail, une pratique qui protège les salarié.e.s. -
April 2021
Alexandre de Senarclens published with Lisa Harrison an article in the legal review La Semaine Judiciaire (SJ 2021 II 47) on the Lombard Credit and the Leverage Effect.
April 2021
Guillaume Etier gave a lecture on tort law in medical matters at the university of Geneva in the framework of a Masters degree.  
March 2021
Congratulations to our partner Sonja Maeder Morvant who has been appointed co-chair of the International Bar Association's Business crime committee.
January 2021
Sonja Maeder Morvant speaks at a webinar on the removal of prosecutors and judges in criminal proceedings, organised by the Geneva Bar association.
November 2020
Flavien Valloggia authored an article for the magazine of November 2020 on the end of freezing decision of the densification of the villas zone in Geneva and the modification of the Law on constructions and installations.
November 2020
Nathalie Subilia and Flavien Valloggia intervene in the journal Le Temps of 16 October 2020 regarding the legal consequences of the minimum salary regulation entering into force in Geneva in November 2020.
October 2020
Sonja Maeder Morvant is once again recognised as a “Thought leader” in business crime and investigations by Who’s Who Legal, a publication identifying leading practitioners in the field.
October 2020
Nathalie Subilia lectures at training courses for Geneva’s labour law judges.
October 2020
Nathalie Subilia and Lisa Harrison publish an article in the newspaper Le Temps titled “Quarantine on return from holidays, which responsibility for the employee? ”, section Opinion.
August 2020
Our partner, Guillaume Etier, wins an appeal in the framework of a public tendering proceedings concerning the Geneva airport, before the Geneva court of justice.
August 2020
We are proud of our partner Flavien Valloggia, who, in the context of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, has been mobilized since 19 March 2020 as part of his military duties for the army's support to civil authorities. Colonel Valloggia, chief of staff for personnel of Territorial Division 1, is part of the staff which, under the leadership of the Joint Operations Command, coordinates and supervises military operations and missions in the French-speaking cantons as well as in the canton of Bern.
May 2020
Nathalie Subilia was interviewed in the newspaper Le Temps regarding the different issues of the employers and the employees facing Covid-19.
March 2020
We are very pleased that Sonja Maeder Morvant, partner, has received the Investigation Client Choice Award 2020 for Switzerland by Lexology. This award recognises lawyers who stand apart for the excellent client care they provide and the quality of their service. Nomination is exclusively by corporate counsel.
March 2020
Nathalie Subilia and Lisa Harrison publish an article in the newspaper Le Temps titled “Rights and duties of the employer facing Covid-19 ”, rubrique Opinion
11 march 2019
Alexandre de Senarclens and Charlotte Séchaud published in the legal review Expert Focus an article on the duty to provide information from the financial service provider to its client according to the new Federal Act on Financial Services (FinSA)
February 2020
Press coverage: Sonja Maeder Morvant on the new Firm and corruption investigations in Switzerland in Global Investigation Review
January 2020
Reiser Avocats has been launched! A fresh start for the benefit of our clients
January 2020
Nathalie Subilia and Lisa Harrison publish an article in the newspaper Le Temps titled “Faced with collective dismissals, what legal remedies to employees have”, rubrique Opinion
13 December 2019
Sonja Maeder Morvant is recognised as a “Thought leader” in investigations by Who’s Who Legal, a publication identifying leading practitioners in the field.
December 2019

Christian Reiser recently published an article on without prejudice negotiations (co-authored with Me. Michel Valticos in Semaine Judiciaire 2019 II 217 ss).

December 2019
Me Guillaume Etier lectures on civil liability at the  ‘Marathon du droit’ of the Ordre des avocats de Genève.
November 2019

Sonja Maeder Morvant is listed as one of the best lawyers in Business crime defence in Who’s Who Legal 2019.

October 2019

Sonja Maeder Morvant comments on the transactional agreements with the public ministry in the Gunvor case. Global Investigation Review

17 octobre 2019